miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010


Como bien decía Maurice Maeterlinck:
El dolor es el alimento esencial del amor, cualquier amor que no se haya nutrido de un poco de dolor puro, muere.
Y cuánta razón tenía....

Blair: Chuck! Stop! Don't go. Or if you have to leave, let me come with you.
Chuck: I appreciate the concern.
Blair: No. You don't. You don't appreciate anything today. But I don't care. Whatever you're going through, I want to be there for you.
Chuck: We talked about this. You are not my girlfriend.
Blair: But I am me. And you are you. We're Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you've ever done—the darkest thought you've ever had—I will stand by you through anything.
Chuck: And why would you do that?
Blair: Because I love you.
Chuck: Well that's too bad.

Blair: You can't run, you have to stay here and here it this time. Chuck Bass, I love you. I love you so much it consumes me. I love you and I know you love me too. Tell me you love me and everything we've done, all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for something. Tell me it was for something.
Chuck: Maybe it was, but it's not anymore.


Chuck: You were right. I was a coward running away again, but everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back.
Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't. You hurt me too many times.
Chuck: You can believe me this time.
Blair: Oh. That's it?
I love you too.
Blair: But can you say it twice? No I'm serious, say it twice!
Chuck: I love you, I love you, that's three, four, I love you.

pd.los vi en un par de blogs i como me gustaron mucho decidí ponerlos en el mio :)

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